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RE: Life is to live it or to create?

in Reflections4 days ago (edited)

Uff... poets and poetesses are extremely complex. 😁 They live reality as if it were fantasy, and fantasy as if it were reality... they have a drawer full of words to assemble speeches of themselves or about what they dream or imagine of others by putting on and taking off real or imaginary layers, stringing together emotions from some remote place where they have lived, or assimilating others that they are sure they will live tomorrow. Because, they are very clear about one thing: life is created with ideas, then with words, and it is felt and lived as something real, fantastically imagined, from the heart. Then everything becomes magic. 😎

I agree with something that has been said here about loneliness being too crowded at times. There are people who, even if they live enclosed in their own world, have a very rich and full life, while others, surrounded by many people, feel totally alone and empty.

Feliz día, poetisa mipiano.


Are they? 😁 I think artists, in general, feel that magic when they create, but poets and poetesses are the leaders in the "sector" haha, (sorry, this word came to me while writing the phrase and I laughed because of the choice of the word but I am leaving it this way 😂).

I agree with the thought you agree with too.
Feliz día para ti de nuevo (bueno, el día después del día de la celebración 😆) y yo no soy poetisa pero gracias 😇

😂 sector! Yes, you are. Feliz día de nuevo el día después de la celebración 😝😜