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RE: Dying of lack of focus or boredom

in Reflections6 months ago

Yeah man, work to live - don't live to work! I was able to go to a 4 day work week at 41 years old (2 years ago) to have more time to enjoy the things that make me happy.
Your friend did very well to be able to retire at 55!


Four day weeks are becoming more prevalent these days, I spin off from COVID-19 I think. It's a good idea too, who doesn't like three days off huh? Did you find you did more of what you were passionate about and have you found new hobbies and interests?

Yes almost all my colleagues work 4 days, it's important your body can rest so you can be more productive on the days you do work and have less sick days in a year. No new hobbies but def. more time for my existing ones as well as see my kids more before they grow too old and spend more time with them 😍

So many people prioritise work over kids. family and their own lives. It's bonkers! Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working.