_Speaking in Tongues
[1]No one can ruin what they don't know
[2]The deceiver cannot touch intentions that's not revealed
[3]It Can only change it's directions in the most tiny or unlikely ways fathomable once its aware of the intentions. To mock your beliefs in turn we loss faith in ourselves and in turn loss confidence in the Master
[4]The very reason we feel unsure or threatened around anything foreign or alien
[5]Is the very reason th deceiver doesn't tally well with the language it cannot understand which is speaking in tongues
[6]Spirits speaks in ways only spirits can understand it's intentions
[7]Speaking the language of the spirit does us good
[8]Than speaking plainly when we prayed and expect answered prayers
[9]Spirit is all and nothing
[1]Body is nothing and all
[2]You would agree with me when I state that +- -+ is same as -++- just different approach
[3]So it is with +- +- and -+ -+ also just different approach
[4]The spirit understands, inner stands and over stands everything
[5]The body understands, inner stands and over stand just its own not everything
[6]Spirit is unseen that's see the seen
[7]The seen don't see the all seeing
[8]When we start seeing it and knowing it's full power to understand the words in the groans of the spirit, where words are not needed
[9]We will begin to understand the art and act of speak in tongue
[1]We really can avoid drifting from your original intentions, spiritual manipulations and wrong attractions when we prayed
[2]Cause the IT in all beings supercedes all understanding and it's that suchness