I found having a routine can save a lot of time. Waking up and sleeping at specific times helps. With routine, things can become automatic. For things like chores, or cleaning, doing it regularly usually results in spending less time on it overall.
I found having a routine can save a lot of time. Waking up and sleeping at specific times helps. With routine, things can become automatic. For things like chores, or cleaning, doing it regularly usually results in spending less time on it overall.
Routine is good for some things, it saves time, or at least makes the most of available time. I prefer to call it prioritisation and scheduling than routine though. Do you plan to make use of the time you save in ways that better or value-add your life?
I try to when I can. I can do some exercises, or do some work that I have neglected. Although some times, I just use it to sleep early and relax.
You don't have any hobbies or interests outside of exercise, work and sleep? I have so much to do that even if each day comprised 48 hours I'd still not have enough time for it all.
I like playing video games, and I find time to do that already. I also don't save too much time so squeezing things that take too long is not that much of an option.
Ok, seems like your options are time-limited then. Happy gaming.
Thank you