I would suggest bringing some rope next to the marlinspike in your car. It is like a baseball bat in the Philippines. It can't be considered a deadly weapon if you have a ball and glove with it.
As for the topic, I completely agree. Doing the right thing whether someone is watching or not should be the norm. One shouldn't do it for others, but more of for themselves and their principles. I personally try to do what's right whenever I can, and that is why I hate those who take advantage of others.
I don't think I've gotten anything special out of it, but I am not looking for one anyways. That's just how I was raised, and I don't see anything wrong with continuing it.
Hmm, I don't know your situation but I'm sure you've got a lot out of your do the right thing ethos,; maybe it doesn't seem like a tangible thing but it's clearly ingrained into your character and you're probably a better version of yourself because of it. Seems like something to me.
As for the marlin spike, it's not something the authorities would worry too much about here, unless they had to dig it out of someone's heart I guess. Good tip for young players on the bat and ball thing too. I carry guns and ammunition in my vehicles a lot of the time so it's all good, I know what's up.