Mobile internet in the Philippines was not that great [still could be better] when I was applying for a job and we had a phone interview via video call. My internet was acting up, the connection was intermittent, and I think that was the cause on why I didn't get the job. I was too focused on how to make my connection better instead of answering their questions.
I do think digital meetings bring some good as well. Short meetings can be through it. There are time when face to face meetings get longer because the bosses socialize at the start/middle/end of the meeting. Of course when communicating with people abroad, the digital meetings is so much better since we can share the presentation, and discuss things as if they were also physically in the room.
Digital meetings bring great benefits sometimes...but they are are not the best way of communicating as you have pointed out. People hide behind it though, and results are poorer because of it... fortunately society accepts (and promotes) mediocrity and the barely good enough ethos so it's all good...until it's not.