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RE: She knows what's up

in Reflections8 months ago

Being prepared for anything is good. First aid and emergency numbers to call are also some of the important ones to know. I do agree that service centers really try to get as much money out of the client when they can, and it is good that both of you are knowledgeable enough not to fall for them.


What's your level of general preparation out of ten do you think?

Oh, I think I'm at a 4. I usually read up or prepare when I'm about to do something. For example, when changing car lights, I don't know how to do it now. But I'll open the manual and learn it on the spot. Same goes for fixing faulty electronics. I'll watch a YT video and read up on things on how to fix them. I don't try to keep information I don't use often for long.

Some room for improvement but it seems you're working that way so that's a good thing.