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RE: Door of Lies

in Reflectionslast year (edited)

That is a very sweet tradition, and it can be very sad when you have to change it and realize that your child is growing up too quickly. It is very funny how smart your daughter is by still 'continuing' to believe in Santa for the prizes. I hope your family has a wonderful holiday celebration.


It is very funny how smart your daughter is by still 'continuing' to believe in Santa for the prizes. I hope your family has a wonderful holiday celebration.

For sure - though she doesn't seem to care that much about the prizes, or even getting anything. She loves the notes though. For a few years, I have been writing her short letters with a drawn picture every weekend morning for her to read when she wakes up. She loves it. :)

That's so sweet. I hope you guys are able to keep those, and then show it to her when she's grown up. I bet she will really appreciate it.