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RE: Better Blend In

in Reflections11 months ago

There is a saying, you are what you eat. So if you eat healthy, your body should feel it. Sweets are actually addictive. The body craves it, and it might be difficult to stop at first but the body will eventually adjust. For those trying to lose weight, changing their diet has always been the most effective; calorie in vs calorie out. If one is burning more calories than they're consuming, they will lose weight. I hope your change in diet bears fruit.


3 weeks, full of headaches, that's what it tooks when I stopped cold turkey to have sugar and caffeine.

Oh wow you did both at the same time? That's rough. Both are addictive, and causes withdrawal symptoms. I watched an episode about this on Food Theory on YT, and from their experience they kind of adjusted after a week. I hope you're healthier afterwards.

9 days for me. It is still hard and sometimes I slip back, but overall I can see the benefits. For me was an emergency, the best way is to reduce it slowly and then build some other habit on top of this one, like drinking cool simple water instead of soft drinks, and learn/train yuorself to like the taste of water. As for caffeine, I find the exercise give me a similar kick, so a short 20 min high intensity training will boost me in the similar way. Training can still be addictive, but is a different adiction than the caffeine.

Yeah, they say exercise releases happy hormones. It is awesome that you have been living healthier now.