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RE: On the portal of the 50

in Reflections2 years ago

I believe that learning to take care of yourself is essential; it's something they unfortunately don't teach but during this journey that is life we can learn it.

I believe that the difference is basically given by this, learning or staying still.

In my opinion, self-care is not something that should be seen from a purely physical point of view, but it is important to take care of your mind.
I am of the opinion that dominating one's mind can open many doors, but doing so is not easy and it takes commitment and sacrifice. The results obtained, however, in my opinion are impressive.

Your post is fantastic!


I hug you who read me, who write to me, who share with me your ideas, your style of that wonderful journey of self-knowledge. Thank you for being there! @p1k4ppa10

For me it is a real pleasure, your posts are full of value and it is I who thank you for sharing them.

You have all my support!
A hug!

Thank you very much, I appreciate your walk and your looking by my side. A hug for you back 🌞