The country of Pulcinella

in Reflections2 years ago


Pulcinella is still alive and is constantly changing skin.

(Alessandro Siani)

After writing my last post, I stopped for a while to reflect on the subject of preparation and professionalism, especially as regards my country.

I have already spoken of politicians and it is superfluous at the moment to go back to them; when you define a useless category I think there is little else to say.

However, I am also thinking a little of the average citizen, because yes, faults must always be equally divided and then it is said that every people deserves the politicians it has and I believe this is extremely true in my country since those who governs is nothing but the expression of the people; I don't mean by the word "expression" only from the point of view of the vote but that it really represents the average Italian citizen in the ways of doing, in the uses and customs.

"Famo pé capisse" (for foreigners this is an expression in Roman dialect which means: "to understand each other"), in my opinion, Italian politicians are the mirror of the Italian people, nothing more, nothing less,

In Italy incompetence is rampant; I have previously talked about all the problems that accountants have created for me; certainly in some situations I could have gone my own way.

Obviously, before moving, I always document myself and, when I say on my own, I certainly don't mean blindly or feeling.

I don't see why, however, if I pay a professional (handsomely anyway), I should then find myself thinking that I would have done better without it; or rather, I know why, there is simply little seriousness, one's work is done badly and superficially and, obviously, this does not apply only to accountants.

Another example, I did some work in the garden, initially I hired a worker who, however, was doing bad jobs; I fired him (and he was almost hurt, too!) and I started looking for how to do those jobs myself, it involved making sidewalks and screeds; I read, watched videos, in short, I prepared myself and then I did the first experiment... it turned out better than what the bricklayer had done up to that moment, with the difference however that, for me, it was the first time for him it was the job of a lifetime.

Obviously I continued the work by myself getting a hand from my father and, I'm willing to bet, that they turned out at least a couple of times better than that pseudo-worker would have done.

The flip side was that I really "killed myself" with fatigue, to be clear the "sweat" never scared me but, actually, those were jobs above my potential from a physical point of view.

Which is not entirely real, given that in the end we finished the work and also well.

I could give galore of examples of this kind but I don't want to dwell on them; I believe that one's work, whatever it is, must be carried out with commitment and, if possible, also with passion; you need to keep up to date and you need to provide excellent services.

In my way of being, I've never argued about prices, but if I pay you as you say you have to work as I say, otherwise I'll give you a handshake and walk you to the door.
Money has a value and so does work, quality work is paid at one price, poor work at another price. All these pseudo professionals if, once offered their poor services, they were paid what they are worth, they would risk recovering just the money of the expenses (if it goes well with them).

Unfortunately, I think it's a matter of ways of doing and being; when I do a job I want to do it in the best possible way, I want to be called good and I want them to remember me in a positive way; regardless of the job, whether I like it or not, I have to do it at my best because that's how I am.

The Italian people, on the other hand, are mediocre, 90% of our country is made up of mediocre people; those who excel usually run away or, if they stay, offer services that are truly accessible only to rich people.

And, in my view, it's good for you; I have to deal with clowns, well, then they pay me the service dearly and bitterly.

I've always fought to get out of mediocrity; I, by character, am a competitive person and I always want to be the best, or at least the best version of myself, I take everything as a challenge and I always want to win; I've learned to accept defeats and make them bear fruit this yes, but still the game I lose today rest assured I'll win tomorrow because I train so much, I practice so much, I study and I try hard until I make it.

Simply for the average of my people it's different... the important thing is to float.
This is precisely one of the reasons that makes me feel out of this world at home, I often feel out of context and the sad thing is that I realize that it's not me who is wrong, it's just the context that is shit.

In this I make my mistake too, I should go away, but I told you I can't lose my challenges; I decided to live in my country, to do it in a dignified way, without making me and my family want for anything and above all, I decided to live according to my standards and if the world falls I will... no shit!

Thank you for having reached the end of this reflection of mine, perhaps more than anything else, of this outburst of mine.
Feel free to tell me how it works in your country or express your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

Hug you!

🔘 🔘 🔘

Brave heart and gentle tongue will take you far into the jungle...

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.


I connect with this a lot. If getting paid as a professional or expert, the work has to match. Too many people no longer take pride in their work and instead, do the bare minimum to get a passing grade. This should not be the case with professionals - passionate or not.

We didn't "fire" people during the renovation, but we did replace them, as when I as a non-professional am using YouTube tutorials to fix the work of professionals, something is wrong. It is good to learn these skills myself too, but at the same time, I am a professional in other areas that gets paid to do something completely different, which I then use to pay professionals to do the jobs I can't.

Well yes I agree, I don't think you become a professional through Youtube videos.

But if I end up doing a better job than the professional by looking at two sites and two videos, I think there's a problem... for the professional.

Many assume this title, but they are professionals when it comes to practical things if you have no experience, titles are probably of little use.

However let's say that orq me when I apply for someone's services I am very selective

It is good to be selective and what we were able to do (in the end) was get very good referrals from friends. We ended up with some great people who we referred to others too!

Yay! 🤗
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