Letter to Everyone: Don't Live Under Your Shadow in 2024


Being you is the most unique and special trait you could ever discern about yourself.
Do you have the things holding you back from being yourself or achieving your goals of being a better version of yourself? Why don't you discover your original and natural self and stop hiding in the mask of impossibility. Why do you keep pretending to be who you are not to people.

Pretending to others will make you paraventually convinced of your own pretensions. Are you a person that tells others you are in a good,safe and secure relationship when infact you are in an abusive one. So, why the lie? Or you are the one that borrow things and flaunt it as yours so as to impress people on social media. But what you failed to realise is that not all what you see on social media are to be believed. Everything that glitters aren't gold.

Your friends or peers might be doing well than you are or what they portray to you that they are,so be it and let it be. It's their time,you are within your time frame and your own time will definitely come.
Have a positive believe in yourself that you also can do it with consistency and hard-working, because you are capable of doing amazing things that are beyond reasonable doubts.
Believing in your being is the foremost step to succeeding. Set your goals about yourself right. Your goals might not have to be sumptuous than someone else,but for you to be better than you have been in the past.

Be your own form of competition.


Never ever should you make anyone your competitor. Take a good look at yourself and ask yourself what do I see when I looked into the mirror, I see me,myself and I and you discover that you yourself is your competition. When you focus on yourself as your competitor nothing else will matter, you start channeling your energy to improving yourself,how to live and stay healthy,how to be successful,how to make you and yourself a better version of the YOU before. But, competing against someone start bringing in different thinking mindset of being like those you want to be emulating. You start questioning your self worth about what others are doing that you are not doing right and also brings about self hate. Don't be a representative of other people's personality.

So ,the height of this is that, this life is meant to be lived and never live the lives of others. Own your happiness to yourself not to others and live your life on your own terms and rules. Hold your head up high and be your number one respectal of yourself. Cheers!

Happy New Year