Many things have changed over time, and one of them is undoubtedly the mutual respect between human beings, this increasingly generates an imbalance between our societies and, on many occasions we notice it and divert our eyes to such imbalance of coexistence, if something we should promote at all times is to respect what we are, what we think and how to face our existence.
Of course, each person has and will have their own intrinsic style of approaching life, this is not a secret, however, this must go hand in hand with mutual respect, to respect each other is simply to accept that we have diversity of thoughts and thus to act, I think that this value of respect should be one of our main tools at home, therefore, be practiced in family daily, if we want respect we must offer it and deepen it in our family nucleus.
Nowadays, respect in the family has been overflowing and this has brought with it an increasingly disunited society, where coexistence is even more complex, we must always keep in mind that the strength of the world's societies will depend on respectful families, if this does not occur between the family nuclei, then we can hardly expect to build societies with respectful coexistence.
For people to be able to establish any form of coexistence, communication is necessary and, above all, communication with respect. In every family nucleus, communication among its members should never be lacking, let us remember that, through it, everything can be channeled in the best way, this healthy practice of family communication will undoubtedly help us to practice it in the proper formation of our societies.
Respect is that principle of which we must all be attentive to expand and be an example of it, maybe someone does not think the same and, however, if we are respectful we will be aware that this is valid, each person must be aware of the importance of mutual respect in their family, work and in any area of their lives.
With respect there will be a positive and fluid communication with which we can establish the most sincere coexistence with everyone around us, if a child shows respect for his parents and family, he can do it more easily with the rest of the people around him, but if he does not have respect for his loved ones I doubt that he can have it with any other living being on this planet, therefore, mutual respect strengthens family communication and thus respect for both the family and other living beings.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.