I think that the tide might be turning in the minds of some, especially as more research comes out about the harm that we have done to children by sticking them in front of screens too early.
It's dismal that most young people nowadays are attached to screens, even at an early age. I think it's the change in parenting strategy that made these changes; parents nowadays are too dependent on technology. Technology became their way to kinda escape their responsibility—I mean, one of their responsibilities is to teach their children, and now, most of them rely on it to teach their children stuff that they, as parents, should have taught their children personally.
I've seen the effect of excessive time spent in front of screens, and unfortunately, it's from my cousins. Due to it, they're really unable to relate well to the kids around their age. They thought that everything on screen was the same as what's in the real world, but unfortunately it wasn't. They grew up far from us, so when they transfer here to our place, they seem to be struggling to grasp the ways in which they interact normally with other kids. It's indeed an unfortunate thing, but hopefully I know they'll somehow improve.
But still expect that their kids will end up making good decisions in life.