A reflection of garbage

in Reflections2 months ago

Today I would like to reflect on garbage, on waste. It all started when when I was leaving my house I came across some solid waste in the corner of the house so I started to really think about when we should throw things away.

According to the RAE, garbage or dirt is discarded waste and other waste, but it seems like a very brief definition to me, it is limited only to the non-usable solid material that we decide to do without and abandon.

It may sound a bit philosophical but garbage is much more, there are things we have at home that are garbage, photos of people who abandoned us, souvenirs that say God that we do not want to remember, gifts that we never really wanted to accept, and inheritances that we were ashamed to reject. .

Not to mention human feelings that can also become garbage, hatred, resentment... Being opportunistic on many occasions is also being a bit rubbish, not shaking hands with people who have always been there for you, awakening love in a person whom you do not intend to love in the slightest, treating them with contempt for no reason or reason. Apparent is the definition that I would give to that word. I could go on talking more about the subject, but I prefer not to sound crazy today.

The photo used is my author


lamentable situación... Debemos luchar porque se revierta

Es una lucha un poco fuerte

Pero no podemos desistir

Just as many material objects are recycled, we should recycle those bad moments or feelings that we consider garbage. Let's not pay the same coin, we can become the bad guys of the movie.

Cómo mismo se recicla muchos objetos materiales, deberíamos reciclar aquellos malos momentos o sentimientos que consideramos basura. No paguemos la misma moneda, que podemos convertirnos en los malos de la película.