Bahahahahaa that was the cheesiest of pickup lines, good job XD
Country cottage sounds like a great retirement plan unless you suddenly turn into a social butterfly in your old age XD
apparently it can happen
Back when I was trying to "make it" (still not sure what that means) as an artist and doing gig work as a webmonkey I did try to find the right people but I suck at that so I just stopped after a while (also it was taking an extremely limited amount of available time from making stuff so screw it I'll just do my thing.
People ended up finding me eventually (before I was even in an actual volunteer position at what is now my current job people were coming up to me and asking me questions because I was there all the time and unfortunately distinctive thanks to how I insist on having my stupid hair, and I didn't help myself by usually knowing the information they were asking) and the pace was a hell of a lot more comfortable (I am very introverted and don't like dealing with people x_x) but not what anyone with bigger measures of success would consider profitable.
Glad you and "Selena" managed to both have a nice chat and hangout at a tedious event rather than hiding out bored like you may have done if you hadn't both happened to want the same hiding spot :)
It worked, and the resulting conversation prevented me from eating twelve platters of mini arancini balls, chicken skewers and other such finger foods. It seems conversation is good for one's health after all.
I don't know many who are comfortable in those environments and the ones I know who are, are egotistical, brash, loud and obnoxious wankers. Having said that, they're a reality of my work function and I do my job because that's what I get paid for...but hide in the bushes until it's appropriate to depart when possible.
They are for the most part, even for introverts :D
I knew some extraverts who would thrive in that environment. Some of them are okay and some of them are exactly as described XD
Least the rest of your work is enough to make up for these less pleasant situations you find yourself in?