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RE: Been there done that, loved it all

in Reflections5 months ago

Actually "bad" things that have happened was being unable to land on the tiny island due to bad weather (landing in bad weather is actually dangerous as with the lack of length of the runway there's not much room for error) and having to turn around and fly back to where you came from.

Fortunately haven't had that happen with the kids and while it doesn't seem bad in the grand scheme of things it is absolutely devastating when you a) absolutely LOATHE the transit part of travelling (as I do, absolutely hate with every single fibre of my being the having to sit in the plane/bus/car/whatever between points) and b) have very limited time (when this happened I was often going home for between 1 and 4 weeks and when it's 1-2 weeks and you're basically losing a day travelling already that extra day feels like a lot).

also I hate vibrations that much that it doesn't matter how cool and fun exploring a destination is and how much I enjoy it, getting over having to deal with the transit part is incredibly difficult for me

Good thing that happened as a result of a bad thing was...well sibling dearest and I thought it was great but mother dearest probably wasn't as keen on the hit to the wallet XD One flight we were supposed to be heading back to Singapore (which for a while was our travel nexus) after being out somewhere and the airline had stuffed up and not actually booked a confirmed and paid for flight (as far as I could tell from listening to the somewhat pidgin conversation). Mum was really mad and I think they gave us a discounted upgrade to business class as that was the only place we would fit.

So we flew business class for the first time ever XD


Being unable to land is problematic because what goes up must come down eventually. Clearly it came down in a controlled manner as you're here writing comments. The alternative, uncontrolled manner, isn't so good though huh?

I get what you mean though, the loss of time when turn-arounds occur, even delays that prevent take off. Having to travel from Australia to other parts of the world means that the travel time is long and to get the most from the huge cost one tends to stay abroad for longer; losing days is losing money and the time may never be recovered I guess either.

Upgrades to business class are always welcome and often make up for vibrations huh? Ok, not really, but for a vibration non-lover like yourself I'd say it's easier to deal withe them from business class than the back of the plane.

Yeh uncontrolled down sounds like a bad idea XD

I value time a lot more than money so it did hurt x_x

I don't know I only recall flying business class that one time. If there were other times it might have been once or twice. It didn't help the vibrations in the slightest but the extra perks were nice XD