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RE: The Fight to Utilise Time Better

in Reflections2 years ago

It seems we may have opposite problems. I have had to seriously rein myself in because sometimes I want to do a thing and need to consider whether I should really actually do the thing, and I think I frustrate J a lot, he's always telling me there's always tomorrow or next week or a few years when the kids have graduated from homeschooling but I feel like I really do not have time to be waiting that long, and do really bad things to myself such as staying up late (because I work better late anyway) and getting up early (doesn't work very well anymore, sometimes I can still do it but most of the time especially after I've been doing that a lot or just a lot in general I refuse to wake up til late and that then throws a lot of other stuff completely out of whack).

Then I get stuck feeling like I got nothing done but actually got a bit done, just none or not much of what I actually wanted to get done XD

I think this form of procrastination (where you're processing your thoughts) is probably not a bad thing as it helps you more consciously realise what you're doing (though it seems like you're pretty well aware already). I have a hack where I'll procrastinate something by doing something else that needed to be done at some stage anyway, do you do that? Or would that work for you? :D