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RE: Have Your Cake

in Reflections11 months ago

me: ...Talinn Estonia, why does that sound so familiar? [checks notes] oh I had it as a setting for one of the games that false started XD and also the whole country is a setting for some events in the codiverse XD which was partially based off this weird dream I had ages ago where I simultaneously opened a portal to Estonia and watched me (as someone else) open said portal to Estonia (and up til that point when I looked it up out of curiousity I didn't realise Estonia was an actual place).

Only took you a few years to finally start doing the things the comment section has been yelling at you about ;D

Good luck finding a cool birthday present. Maybe order the yoga mat bag anyway and apologise for it being late XD


Lols - some people know Estonia as the place that Encino man is from - Stony from Estonia :D

Only took you a few years to finally start doing the things the comment section has been yelling at you about ;D

I know I know...