You "can't" discuss "important" things precisely because they're "'too controversial" and judging other people makes you automatically an objectively terrible person (also a judgement but if it's you it's okay and excusable and justifiable, someone else doing it to you is unforgivable and should be severely punished and they should be cancelled so hard they will never ever be able to go out in public without fear of being lynched ever again).
the previous text block is mostly sarcasm sprinkled with a bit of why do people actually act like this
I remember being 20something and being determined to force the world (and the people in it) to change for the better or at least their own good whether they wanted to or not. These days I just try to make people's individual worlds that little bit better, and then maybe they can look out into the broader world a bit more and work out the things that they personally can do to affect other people's little worlds which will then make the collective motion needed to do the collective things that individuals can't do.
And be less terrified about rocking that stupid boat.
Don't you find it interesting that the most harmful judgements, are made by those who say, don't judge people?
I think that this is the way to go. Charity begins in the home. At the same time, we can discuss these concepts globally, even if we can't act globally.
I never actually consciously registered that til a friend was telling me about how she tended to avoid like the plague anyone that had anything remotely resembling "no drama allowed", "I hate drama keep it off my page" etc type things in their profile as in her experience they were usually the worst offenders and when I thought about it was like actually yes XD