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RE: Jacked Up

in Reflections6 months ago

Yay for unexpected fun days out XD

Halloween has been trying to take off here for a few years too but it's not particularly catchy in our area (probably because it's still slightly dodgy despite the attempts at gentrification). Not sure about other areas. And at work some of the coaches dress up (I'm thinking of buying a Mimikyu shirt this year to go with my Christmas Pikachu shirt which comes out at the end of the year) and hand out candy to the kids after class and that's pretty much it.

I'm anticipating photos of your pumpkin sculptures in the near future ;D


It is just the normal comercialisation here as well. It is a pity that a lot of the magic of stuff is ruined by the media :)

I had to Google Mimikyo - looks fitting! :D

If we do it, there will be photos of course. Even if the pumpkin is more a soup :)

Soup is what the internals are going to be anyway right, sounds like potential win all around XD