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RE: Auditioning the Future

in Reflections2 months ago

That's one major reason why the education system needs to stop pretending that it's one size fits all.

It's kind of going more towards what I think it should be here (which is basically the kids that thrive in a school environment and actually want to be there should be the ones that are there and everyone that doesn't want to be there should be there part time or part time at a different type of school and homeschooling or doing an apprenticeship or working or something when they're not, there are many possible combinations for many types of people) but it feels like it's happening with extreme reluctance (on the part of whoever is responsible moreso than the part of the people going through it).

Good luck with the application! I'm not sure if I should be hoping she gets in or not from what I think is your tone, but given that the scanty bit of information makes it sound like a good fit for her, I'm going to hope that she gets in XD