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in Reflectionslast month

And then ?


Does anyone care ? Sometimes it feels, our systems are purposely made not to be transparent, BECAUSE then it will be difficult to introduce loopholes in them and take advantage of that. If you have gone through my post on our hospital experience, then you know, I am desperately trying to find out a mechanism to file a complaint against the hospital. But where do we go ? Our digital journey always start with google search


Medical Council of India sounds legit, so let's try that.


And then journey ends quickly, we have to file the complaint first with State Medical Council and I could not find out where.


Called the Hospital staff who facilitated the admission, and he provided a QR code, that took me to a FEEDBACK FORM. He said their Quality control team takes it seriously, but after looking out at the content, I barely believe that. They have several sections about different services, about which I was least concerned, not sure, if they really mean to use them.








Thankfully there was no limitation of words in this last section which allowed me to write a short complaint.


She was admitted for a procedure to be happened in the morning, but when she arrived in the OT, it was found out that the hospital ran out of stock of the supplies that was necessary for the procedure and her procedure was postponed, causing mental torture. I am exploring options to file legal action against you, it was a case of sheer negligence of your staff causing financial implication and mental torture, which eventually made our discharge very late. You must refund one day's of room rent, and pay co-lateral damage for the mental torture she had to go because of your negligence.


And then this - does it awake them ? It has been more than 24 hours and nobody has called me, so that indicates how serious they are on accepting this feedback.

I also tried consulting few friends to explore the path of taking legal action, and that needs to go to a lawyer and file a proper police complaint, create a case etc - you first have to pay the lawyer. And then you will also need material evidence - our words alone does not suffice. There is another route to file a consumer case, but it's not easy to file a consumer court online demanding monetary penalty for the unreasonable amount they charged and mental torture - you have to go to the consumer court physically which is 20 miles away and if I go few times, then my time and money would be more than what I demand - at the end, it won't change anything.

The very government that we choose gives license to these private organizations to loot us, no checks and measures - everything in the name of Democracy........

How about building an app on hive to write people's complaint / reviews ? I know nothing will happen, but at least leave them recorded at one place and then when it scales may be the government will see some value and do something to make the system better ?

We can even run a weekly campaign to give some reward to the best complaint!!

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Everything you state is so true. Whenever a complaint needs to be brought to the attention of those in charge, you always get the last person in charge, which is no help. After spending countless hours trying to talk to someone, frustration builds to a boiling point. Most times nothing gets resolved and you give up, that's exactly their game plan.
I love it when you walk into a doctor's office and the first thing they want is your co-pay, hell you haven't even seen a doctor yet. I feel your frustration and empathize with your dilemma.Congratulations on being on #hive for seven years. Time sure does pass very quickly, I'm months away from six years.

Good luck getting it straightened out my friend, but like you said it may be more costly in the long run.

Its literally impossible to change the system, congratulations for being here for six years, I don't see regular posts from you, super busy ?

This time of year, we are not extremely busy, and we do have time to post, but there's not much going on here on the farm. When the weather changes, we'll be as busy as ever and have a lot to share here on #hive.

Will be waiting to see more...

Namaste 🙏 Sir, the medical lobby is very strong all over the world. Example was corona time they got rich and richer in a pandemic.

Nothing happens on the complaint but we must do the complaint and circulate at social media and must give google reviews, so that other patients will be aware of it.

social media is a good idea, but then some people may not like to put their health details on social media.

Sir, we can put the review for healthcare as anonymous on Google, if we don't want to reveal identity.
For social media we have to think 🤔

Arey Sir, This seems like a dabba system. They didn't even bother to hand out a complaint number or query number.
Don't expect them to take any action on the complaint. Instead, explore other options.
And thank you for naming the Hospital. Id stay away from that name. ❤️☮️

What an awful thing to have happen at a hospital. I hope that behaviour does get punished and the ways are changed so no more would have to suffer this type of thing at a hospital.

Hospital are made not to care the patient. They are there to make money. It's a business, the doctor and nurse are there to make money too, not to care there patient. I been in the hospital and they treat patient without money as animals, they just put them somewhere else and no one is paying attention to them even they've succumbed to death. Health care system is not there to help you, but there for doing a business,

Some hospitals do not care about the lives of patients and it is really sad. All they want to do is make money and that’s why some hospitals here in Nigeria will never treat a patient if there is no payment made
Well, congratulations on your seven years on Hive and I’m happy that you made that complaint

The fact that there were no word limits made it easy for you to make more complaints but I’m happy that they got your complaint and submitted your response
That was good

That's why my friend says his complaint and surely some others don't matter to those people in the slightest, but hey, the important thing is that his wife is in good health and then she could calmly introduce her complaint at the same time waiting for them to improve the quality of the service they provide to the citizens.

It will be very difficult to punish the authorities of this hospital, they will try to prove your allegations wrong and you will not get your hair back. It is possible to punish them if the police file a case but It will be a lot of trouble and expense to do this. This way they will escape the punishment for the injustice done to you.

they will try to prove your allegations wrong

there was no way I could ask for Material evidence, because the procedure was still due.

It's too bad things have to be like this. You would think they would want to give the best service possible especially since it is a healthcare facility.

And even we pay a lot for that, but they don't change.

It is unfortunate, friend, that you do not have the possibility of complaining if you have, as is yours, to formally present all the concerns that were presented to you at the time of your wife's hospitalization. Since there was obviously negligence, let's say, but well, the important thing right now is that his wife recovers completely.

right on! sounds like a good idea. some true complaints.. 💪😉👊

God bless you and your family sir

Congratulations, I'm glad you took this route and sought your rights. I hope your complaint has a positive outcome.

One thing is that every system cares about the money they are making. They care less about the feeling and true happiness of the patients. They should improve on their quality of service delivery.

I am even so happy that you were able to file the complaint and I am so sure that in due time very soon, they will definitely sort out the issue

I wouldn't believe the report I'm hearing from such a reputable medical systems like India. It just shows that no matter how, there are still what needs to be improved upon. Let the authorities know your disappointment maybe they will work on that.

Its sad to know thag in cases like this one has to go through some delayed procedure to file for a case. However the hospital is so careless in terms of being alert. But i hope she is ok now

If every patient starts filing their complaints to solve the problems faced in the hospital, hopefully the hospital management and staff will not neglect their duties, and the patients will be taken care of better along with better treatment.