As we live more and more in a digital world, the act of sitting down and reading a book the old-fashioned way is becoming more and more scarce. I read more than I have ever done before, but 99% of that reading is from a digital device, mostly my computer but also my cellphone. I hardly remember the last time I relaxed for a few hours reading a book as I used to do several years ago, especially during the summer vacation days. Besides living in a digital world, most of us have a fast-paced life, and that does not help either.
Yesterday was an exhausting day, long meetings in town, adding more todo tasks for the dApp launch, and then diving into a traffic jam to get out of town and drive home to spend a few more hours at the computer finishing all tasks still left, when I was away from the computer, reviewing instagram from the sofa, I stumbled upon the Infinite Book Tower photo which I discovered for the first time.
I have always loved books, and I especially love libraries, I can spend hours checking the different areas in a bookstore, discovering and finding new themes, new authors, and new titles is something I enjoy a lot. It is kind of nostalgic as it also reminds me of my younger years when I would spend afternoons in the library close to our house in the city, doing school homework, reading, or studying for my final exams while at college.
I was curious about the Infinite Book Tower and did a search on the internet to find out more about it, I learned how they created it with mirrors, watched short videos, and decided I would try to visit next time I have a chance to travel to the area. To me, it transmits the infinite learning you can dive into when getting immersed into a pile of books, and that feeling is way bigger if you hold the book you are reading in your hands, forget about the rest of the world and only focus on reading.
On Tuesday morning, while spending time at my folk's house, I saw an old book my mum had in the room where she spends most of the time these days. She is losing her memory day by day, things are getting tougher for her as any daily task becomes a fight with her head, but watching her sitting and still reading is a pleasure. It probably is a mix of sensations, be they learning, entertaining, or discovering which makes her still spend hours in front of the book. You can say is old-fashion, but I hope this old-fashion never ends.