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RE: A better world is right around the corner

Oh for sure there is a selection bias! I have no doubt about that. And I think you are probably right. It’s not gonna be an easy ride for everyone. But I don’t think the majority ever changes things. It will take a small minority of people to mess things up or a minority of people to fix things.

In the end it comes down to whoever has a clearer vision and puts more heart into it, the people who dream big out of love and the people who dream big out of fear. The result is always somewhere in the middle with pockets of something closer to heaven and other pockets of something closer to hell. I don’t have any way to control the larger picture but I imagine that if I do everything I can out of love, it’ll be easier for myself and some of the people around me to make something better for ourselves and the people who want to be a part of it. I suspect hive will be a part of that, it is for now anyway.