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RE: Idiots pay attention

in Reflections3 days ago (edited)

Haha I believe the same. But is not that people are choosing but rather being drawn into it by the manipulation of their own biochemistry. After all, when something feels good you keep doing it until it doesn't. But dopamine addictions are a hard bone to crack because dopamine is supposed to be adictive. Is what makes you crave food, sleep, sex. So when you wire that to a social media platform somehow, or through audiovisual content, it will have an effect.

And it's all normal now. And so will be the consecuences. So my guess is, those who manage to keep their brain healthy will be on top and they are. People who are not that drawn into those things will have more attention, mental health and as such control over their lives. Not to mention joy (Pleasure is not necessarily joy).


drawn into it by the manipulation of their own biochemistry

I agree partially...people still have a choice though. Many choose wrongly.

Choice is posible because of the pre frontal cortex, which makes the problem a little circular. This is why awareness alone is enough to break addiction over time, you are using this part of the brain and bringing further life into it, like a muscle, but I guess is more habitual to use self hate instead. I have some experience with it as a former christian, self hate for sinning doesn't work to be a saint.