Despite circumstances, I am quite looking forward to December and being able to potter around and do things that I wouldn't normally do during the day. I have already started planning out next steps for business, but I am not going to put much pressure on it over the next few weeks and instead see if I can get some of my social groove back instead. I am not an extravert, but I like good conversations and, I like being around a wide range of topics. The group on the invite are all quite different in many of their professional endeavours, but I think they will actually find a lot in common too and have some great talks together, so it should be fun. indeed the very best thing about quitting or getting canned(fired) before the holidays: The free time.
You are quitting, I was once canned. Your is a happier circumstance then mine.
I was canned before Thanksgiving once, and considered it a godless act for sure, by the worst sorts.
Yet the severance and the time off, made for the best holiday season in recent memory.
I hope you enjoy this time off and the honeymoon season of good thoughts and happy expectations that supercedes new ventures.
For truly the most important quantity we have in our time of life, is time, a precious irreplacible commodity.
This is what I am hoping for. Where I have a few nice days just to relax and also set some things up for family too :)