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RE: You Need to Calm Down

in Reflectionslast year

Wow I really sounds like a bad night when ever you have one of those attacks, I hope you feel better now and get to overcome them I have never had one that can describe it as the ones you had, its surprising how our days go out of balance and if we think about it is because the way we feel about things, if we look at it from a more cold point of view we shouldnt but thats just the way we most humans are, I also get my days off balance when my early routine changes, actually it had happen for the last 4 days in a row and that got me piss off all weekend that it sux but it is what it is, keep on trucking ✌️


Yeah, that's all you can do is put one foot in front of the other! It's crazy because I might have another one yet this week and then I won't have one again for months. You just never know.