Deep analysis of the present and coming generations of kids and how tech influence on them since very little, Im on the same camp and I had to extreme at some point, have two boys, the older one is 10 and the younger 8, at some point I saw how they were not only spending too much time watching Youtube or playing online that I had to take extreme measures, no Youtube period I block it at DNS level because trying to control what the algo shows the account is almost impossible, implement active directory and got their computers on schedule, their users are not admin and via comand line change the dns at certain hours of the day, also block Netflix via dns, setup a virtual machine with Jellyfin for them and download all content I approve even some Youtube channels I create some scripts that monitor channels and download the content because I saw how they were becoming zombies consuming internet, now they know their schedule and when dns change and there is not internet they go and do something else, play with their toys, the scooter, ask mom to take them to the park but do kids stuff, eventually it would be lovely if they get interested in computers since I would be able to teach them everything I know about it, I can only imagine how it is in a house where kids dont have direct supervision, Im lucky my wife doesnt work and take care of our kids and Im always diligent of what they are consuming online, tech could turn to be the worst for a kid

Most parents have no idea what their kids are watching, but perhaps worse than that, they don't know what habits they are developing. Even if the content being consumed is good quality, if it doesn't generate real-world skill development and facilitate application, what is the value?
I have a lot of fear for the direction the world is turning and the way we are going to leave it. Wall-E comes to mind :)