It seems like everyone identifies with one thing or another these days. Introvert/extrovert, male/female, rich/poor/ stupid/smart or even donkey/zebra. Where does it all end? and what ever happened to 'well rounded people'. People don't just *live* anymore, we have to hang a label around our neck and the necks of others.
Say I have a friend and set her up on a blind date. I describe the man as a bit of an introvert, but is a good guy. Does the introvert label carry no weight or does the girl automatically have strike one against the dude? I guess if she was also an introvert, they would be a good match.
This is a question I have too! Maybe it is that so many professions (and therefore schooling) specialise into a role, which is part of a production line - even office workers. So, "jack of all trades" which is highly valuable on a farm, has largely disappeared?
Or perhaps not - opposites attract, as long as they aren't opposites in the things that actually matter to a person.
> opposites attract, as long as they aren't opposites in the things that actually matter to a person.
I have not had good luck with this lol