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RE: Fucked or not

in Reflections4 months ago

The degradation of society has been going on for many years now and a great segment of the population are definitely fucked and there's no unfucking them. When ideas become so normalized and ingrained in people's heads, it seems like they can see no more, blinded by their own 'reality'. There are also people on the 'high' side of the equation, sugar coating everything and wearing those damned rose colored glasses. To that group, every thing is perfect, perfect, perfect.

I've seen some comments on fringe living in the comment section and I agree that that's the best place to be. Being far removed from both dysfunctional groups allows oneself to see the world more as it is....but maybe that's also a dysfunction....can somebody lift the damned veil please?? lol

I pretty much stay to myself, also with a very, very small group of trusted people and when I need entertainment I simply go to town.

Don't know what's gonna happen in this world, but as long as I'm occupying a tiny fraction of it, I will maintain a positive outlook and a fervent hope for the salvation of humankind.


I have an extremely positive outlook on my own life, some incredible aspects in the present and prospects for the future; I attribute that to careful planning, not buying into the nutbaggery so many do, and to having an understanding of how bad things are and will get; so yeah, a positive outlook. But, for the plant and most of the people in it, not so positive because few people take their futures into their own hands preferring to float along pulled and pushed at the whim of others and the seem to like it.

I'm not surprised you've pulled back, keep to yourself and your own group, I think that's smart...while maintaining an awareness of how things change and where they're going at the same time.