Great post, thanks. Its fascinating ( and a little alarming) how the advent of social media and the internet has changed some very fundamental aspects of our journey through life.
I often remark.."Man!, if Google was around when I was a kid, I'd be a genius!!", not implying that I am particularly cleaver, but I recall being starved for info, hungry to find out more. When a subject took my imagination I quickly exhausted all sources of info, I remember reading, and re-reading the few books on fishing that I had, or struggling to understand chemistry or electronics because I only had snippets of information that dropped in at various places on the learning curve, and generally didn't start from the basics. An then there was nobody to explain the first principals to me, so the end result, I day dreamed, instead of learned ( I didn't grow up in a town, out local town was small and the occasional trip to the library quickly exhausted all material of interest )
What if I had YouTube and Google ?
I'd like to think I would have consumed as much of the information as my growing brain could absorb, but here is the rub...being realistic and knowing myself a bit better now ,I'm sure I would have gravitated to mindless games and easy entertainment.
These positive traits and executive skills are present in everybody to a greater or lesser degree, just like physical traits, but they need to be developed and grown, forced into existence.
Water flows down hill , it is human nature to tend to the easy and if the easy sucks you in further, well, the difficult becomes even harder until it seems impossible.
Social media is one aspect, the demise of strict education and full-time parenting is also a contributor.
Young minds are water, they will flow down hill if left to their own devices ( pun!?)
It is a funny thing. We have access to so much information, but unfortunately for most, information isn't knowledge or skill - it still matters how it is applied.
For most, this is what happens. And possibly (as I have often written about) if Einstein or similar had grown up today, he would be a very intelligent idiot.