Today, it was asthma and some blood tests to check up on what caused her pneumonia a few months ago. Thankfully, before our daughter was born, we got private health insurance for her. If we hadn't, we would have been pretty well screwed, especially since at times we need to use specialists on the private side. It took about an hour and a half all up.
We still have to pay a chunk of it, but not the entire amount. But, when my wife made the booking, there was no mention of what the cost would actually be and while she thought it was going to be about a third of what it was. The nurse was surprised they hadn't said, as they should have told to let our insurance company know first, as it is normal for these kinds of amounts that they would prepay them.
Smallsteps has been getting tests for various things often throughout her life due to the start she had and the ongoing issues, and I hope that one day she will be able to live a life not having the need for any of this crap. I also hope that there is nothing in there that is going to hold her back from fulfilling her best life.
Health will never be perfect, but there are some things that affect us more than others and while we might survive, they can hold back a lot of the potential we would have had under slightly different conditions. All parents want the best for their kids and when there are problems, especially constant problems, it doesn't feel like we are giving our best, even if there is little else more we can do.
She is a trooper through these things though and we treated her to her favorite meal of sushi after, since she was going to school for the rest of the day and wouldn't be there in time for the lunch they offer. She also wanted to keep her bandage on so she could show friends and talk about what was done with them.
They thought it was cool.
My wife and I had long work days as we were both away from the early morning and then I had sessions until evening, then she had a call after that with the US. While I was training, she was with Smallsteps playing some games and doing puzzles. And while she was in her meeting, I was playing and then put her into bed. These days, it seems that we rarely get time to all be together. But, we do get some time together and the time apart is also valuable, as we each bring different skills and "lessons" to the table between us.
Tonight, I started teaching Smallsteps how to play chess for the first time, as while I suck at the game, I think it is the kind of thing she will enjoy once she gets the hang of it. She is very good at planning her steps ahead and after learning how the pieces, she was starting to already pick the lines and look at alternate options.
She won of course.
Which was the plan, but what I noticed is that I am unable to look ahead even a step and I miss so many simple options. This doesn't bother me though, as since chess isn't my love, I am able to get Smallsteps up to speed with the basics and help her a little beyond, to see if it is the kind of thing she would like to explore further.
The best part of her day was a math test.
And that is saying something, because she loves sushi.
It was a long day. It wasn't an ideal day. But it was a good day.
Can't ask for much more, midweek.
Well... the blood work results could have been better and the tests much cheaper.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
I cant imagine what you are going through, but know that you are doing your best. Being there for her, giving her your love and protection, that's what matters the most.
She really is a trooper. xxx
She is awesome. One of the things that helps her is probably that she hasn't known different, as it is unfortunately normal for her. No other perspective.
It's so hard to manage illnesses these days. In the US, there is no way to find out what the charge will be, or what part insurance will pay, until after your appointment. I don't know why - no one can tell me that either. At least she is cooperative about it all. That must help a lot, although I also hope the day comes that she doesn't have so many health problems. She got two fabulous parents!
And she likes math! A big plus in my book. Or is it only math tests that she likes?
The blood results were wonky?
I have heard the US system is terrible. Here, the public side is decent, but there can be wait times on some things and they of course don't want to explore too deeply. With private, we have been able to get more done immediately for some things. We still use the public for a lot. We only have private for Smallsteps.
She likes learning about numbers and language things. She makes math tests for her friends! :D
Yeah, but we don't know what it means exactly yet. Will see the doctor later.
1400 is a lot.
Here in Canada we have always taken healthcare for granted. When funded by tax dollars there is a lot of inefficiency and wasted money supporting bureaucracy and administration.
Instead of paying that kind of money, outside of life threatening emergency we often have to wait months for an appointment.
Here the public side is pretty good and we only have private for Smallsteps. We originally got it as a "just in case" before she was born and then, we have kept it because of all her needs. My own treatment and that for my wife is all public and it is relatively fast for most things. Covid has changed some of that though.
But, nowhere near ass high average cost as in the US. That is crazy.
I know these types of days, even my niece often has to take exams and I always accompany my brother when I can.
I like the positivity you put into things anyway; not an ideal day but a good day.... not many would have called this day that way, because so many focus on the negative side.
I love being positive not only for myself but also because I realize that my positivity can influence those around me and make them smile.
You are fantastic parents and today I have a thought for you, may the days give you the best and may you feel good and in peace.
The exams will improve, you'll see! For the price well... let's hope for good news from that point of view in the future too😉
Smallsteps is really beautiful, seeing her photos makes me happy. I have a soft spot for children, perhaps because even today at the age of 40 I never stop playing and also because children know how to be sincere and direct like an adult cannot.
Thanks for sharing these moments🤗
New year resolutions for me! :D
Children are awesome. It is their honesty and curiosity at the same time that I like, because they aren't afraid to ask the questions on their mind, unlike adults who continually censor themselves to avoid looking silly.
I can imagine how hard it must be to see her go through those tests and checkups for her health, but the important thing is that you as parents are there for her supporting her as much as you can and making her feel loved, that is the best thing she can receive. She seems to be a smart, brave, and determined girl, a little trooper as you said. I'm sure when she showed the bandage to her friends at school she felt very important. And it's cool that she likes chess and math.
As for the 1400 euros that's a lot and well here it may cost less but salaries are miserable, public health sucks and private medicine is expensive for most, plus insurance even if you have it only recognizes a part of the expenses. I still have some bills to pay that the insurance did not cover when I was in the hospital two months ago.
I don't remember doing this kind of thing as a kid. I didn't really do the show and tell thing, though I didn't have friends!
It is the same here. We are unsure what they will cover out of this, but hopefully "most of it" because 1400 is a lot :)
It is these kinds of "debts" that can slowly bury us, if they come one after the other. At times though, they are unavoidable and then, we just have to deal with them. Good luck.
Getting a health insurance even before she came is one of those wisest decisions normally only a few would ever make.
It's also amazing that Smallsteps is growing strongly by the day . Her friends also are good kids from understanding and loving.
When sickness would be a thing of the past, maybe no one would be breathing again. I just believe that the sickness that don't have any remedy wouldn't come near us.
There is so much risk in childbirth, it is better to have insurance at the start at least.
Very true and honestly speaking I never thought of this but as an a prospective parent, going in this direction is a plus for me.
I’ve always had a tough time seeing kids going through that stuff. It’s not easy on anyone but I’m glad she’s handling it well enough. It’s good she takes situations and turns them around for the better such as the bandage, that helps them cope with it all! At any rate, it’s good that you’re both there with her through it, it helps her a lot even if she doesn’t realize it yet.
In all this time, I think my wife has held her for perhaps two of the blood tests. My wife doesn't deal with needles well :D
There are plenty of stickers to choose from also. They make it a thing :)
I am more than positive that things will turn out great! Just keep on supporting her and well when she's grown she's grown you'd have all but forgotten about the worries of the past!
At the very least, she should have enough experience to handle her parents in old age ;D
Chess is a great game. I also suck at it (I'm marginally better at shogi—Japanese chess—but still not good). But it is a great game to teach kids I think to put those skills of always looking a step ahead in their head. I wish someone had taught it to me when I was young.
I'm sorry to hear your daughter has to go through that, but it sounds like you are your wife are doing a great job for her.
She has excellent taste.
Me too! I was "taught", but didn't really have anyone to play with, so rarely had a chance. Young kids aren't overly self-directed and without support, tend to not do the things they later think they should have :)
Why did you learn Shogi?
I have been living in Japan for the past 17 years, so shogi is the traditional game I'm surrounded by, not chess, which few people know. The more I heard about it, the more curious I became. It is very similar to chess, but oddly different. For example, captured pieces can be placed back and the board and used. It was mainly that curiosity that made me learn it. It's an interesting game.
17 years in Japan must come with a few interesting tales :)
I love math too. (Not really).
There's two people I'll allow to use the precious...She is one and the other is you know who. It's a shame I can't be there to hear her bandage stories, but I am in sprit.
These aren't the fun parts. More like walking to Mordor.
Ah yes, the Black Gate, Dead Marshes, all those orcs...I get the idea. Not fun.
She really is such a little trouper, embracing a rather unpleasant event and turning it into something special. Way to go little one (minus the unplesantries)!!
She has her moods, but most of the time, she is a joy to be around :)
The only math I like is seeing my HP grow.
I remember having to get yearly blood tests (still supposed to be doing it now actually but apparently covid is much more life threatening so all that got stopped and I didn't get around to making sure it got restarted again) and doing the same as smallsteps of keeping the bandaid on from the hospital (appointment was usually in the morning and I'd be back at school before or after recess) so that there would be something to talk/brag about at school XD
Yay for good days even if they're not ideal days (they're kinda hard to come by anyway it seems).
The price for the test results x_x
I think the only time I was in hospital between the age of birth and 16, was when I needed stitches, and it was a weekend, so it wasn't even cool.
Pretty crazy...
Have you had any health issues due to not getting care after the pandemic?
Didn't develop any as far as I'm aware. Existing ones may have gotten worse but I have yet to actually go and see as they're not bothering me (one is the one I get blood tests for which hasn't bothered me ever aside from the mild inconvenience of having to travel half an hour to a major hospital for the blood tests, and then they finally decided to transfer care to my local doctor which is right there and even has a pathology unit in the same building but local doctor never got back to me about that, the other is lung issues that developed about a decade or so ago when I had a chest infection and shingles at the same time, which apparently meant chest infections every winter forever after).
And also couldn't go see the regular doctor about the lung issue anyway as covidiocy meant that they either weren't "allowed" or weren't allowing (from the way the receptionists were talking sounded like the former) any and all respiratory issues (which was irking the staff as they know exactly what my problem is and know it's not contagious).
Well that sucks!! I have a colleague who gets sinus infections every autumn - not fun. Guessing chest is worse.
Covid stupidity continues. People have made it part of their identity now.
No biggie, it's only a problem if you like breathing.
That makes a few things make sense.
1400€ would be too much. Don't you have a private health insurance which is provided by your company to cover the health expenses of you and your family?
Company doesn't cover for family and it is only work related.
Mine covers dependents as well.
I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
(4/5) @technicalside tipped @tarazkp (x1)
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I am surprised that you are making so many sacrifices for her!😮
I also had congenital asthma and heart disease, but after praying for a long time, Jesus healed me!
So, I always give thanks to Jesus!
I pray for health and happiness for you and your Smallsteps!Dear my friend @tarazkp!
I pray that my dear brother will have faith in Jesus!
These comments are weird.
I hope you understand first that my English is at the level of an American elementary school student!
I hope you understand my direct and honest English!Dear my friend @tarazkp !
Is your Splinterlands gameplay affected at all, or is it such a short-term game with a race to process information that you're mostly in the clear to pick your best lineups?