Human nature is quite fascinating to observe and interact with, and one of the things I keep seeing is how people self-sabotage in attempt to get some kind of recognition. They have desires they want to fulfill, but they go about filling them in ways that don't work. These days, it is often by trying to create drama for attention, because they have bought into the idea that "any publicity, is good publicity".
It is not.
At least for the majority of us.
For instance, there have been several people on this blockchain that have wanted to be successful, to be acknowledged for their thoughts, voted on their content, supported for contributions. There is nothing wrong with that! However, the way they go about it runs counter to getting what they want and instead, does the exact opposite, as those they need in order to get votes for example, stop listening to what the person has to say, because what they says doesn't contribute to improving the experience of the audience.
So they shout louder.
Or get more bitter.
As said, there have been quite a few of these cases over the years and despite them professing how intelligent they are, or how valuable the information they give is, I question both positions, because they are connected.
Some people think that IQ is required to be intelligent, but that is not the case, because intelligence comes in various forms. No matter how smart a person is, if they can't get anyone to listen to what they have to say, it is useless - unless they don't need anyone with which to collaborate in order to meet their needs, and can do it all themselves. As self-sufficiency is highly unlikely, they need to be able to translate their thoughts into something that is consumable by those they need to meet their needs and if a high IQ person can't do this, what they are missing is communication intelligence.
If you can't say it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
But for a lot of people, they seem to think that complication makes them seem intelligent, big words, hidden meanings, allusion. Yet, as counterintuitive as it might be, this just makes them look foolish. Then, a lot of the people of which I am talking about think themselves so intelligent that they are able to hide their true meanings and feelings without being noticed, but I will let you in on a little secret, even in text, people leak their desires.
The more they speak, the more they leak.
When there is a conflict between what they are speaking and what they are leaking, it is what they are leaking that shines through. It is equivalent to uncontrollable micro-expressions that tell when a person doesn't believe in what they are saying, because it doesn't match with what they are doing.
It really is disappointing at times, but we are each responsible for the decisions we make and have to live with the consequences of our actions. I know of several accounts that have had the potential to grow, yet their behavior has led them to stall instead. They desire recognition for their contributions, but what they contribute is of very low value, at least in the form it comes in. But, they aren't willing to change, because they see themselves as so intelligent, that it is up to everyone else to change around them and "catch up" with the program.
There is a funny conflict between intelligent people, because while they might all be mentally capable, it is the other skills that make them able to use their intelligence. And, those who realize that they are unable to do all of the things they want to do alone, they are the ones who tend to develop other facets, like communication skills, to facilitate their ideas.
Others however, choose to be stubborn, choose to remain unchanging. And often, this actually leads them to becoming blind, not observing their environment well, not being able to identify opportunity, or where they might be heading down the wrong path. They see everyone else as fools, and themselves as the shining beacon of intelligent life, while they leak all their desires and misery, they frustration and bitterness to the world.
Until people stop listening completely.
And of course, it is never their fault people have stopped listening, the blame is on the audience, as the audience is not smart enough to comprehend, not intelligent enough to decipher all the amazing things they have to say.
I used to give time to these people, to try and help them, but they are vampires, stealing time and energy that is wasted, because it will lead nowhere, they will continue on doing what they do, believing they are right, even though the results they crave, are far out of their reach. Often, this leads them to getting more frustrated at not having their voice heard, shouting louder, leaking evermore of themselves, showing that what they say, they don't believe and that as lofty as they raise themselves, their desires are base, just like everyone else.
I think this is what they could be labelled. And in a social environment, people who are recognizably inauthentic, don't build the trust with others they need in order to cooperate and collaborate to create something together. They become prisoners of deserted islands, chained by their own behavior.
They own the island, but there is nothing there they want.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Very well articulated. Many great points. I would only comment on one aspect - the urge for intelligent people (or those who believe themselves to be) to make things overly complicated in order to show their intelligence. This actually flies in the face of scientific principles like Occam's razor, whereby the simplest solution is often preferable. We also find this in music and other art that tries to deliberately be complex as proof of skill, when it's often the greatest skill to make complicated things appear to be simple. Great post!
This is a good point! Over the last few years, there has been a lot of complicated but meaningless art, where the technical skill might be okay, but it creates no thought, no emotion, nothing to dive into. It is all like the Marvel universe, a lot of detail, telling nothing.
What I don't understand is why they view Hive as a place to be super competitive. This is my opinion only, but the only person that I compete with is myself because I want to improve myself. I have no real way of improving on anyone else's life - that's their responsibility. If I share something that they can use to that end, then great, but I have never once posted something professing that I am intelligent and I'm quite happy to acknowledge that in many aspects of life, I know very little. Perhaps that's just because I have humility? I don't know.
What I do know is that shoving the blame for our own failure onto everyone else is never going to do down well, especially if we aren't trying to be part of a possible solution to what we view as a problem.
If they don't like the island, they can go to another one and see if they like it better there. Would also just be nice if they didn't try to drag everyone who likes the island down with them.
This is something that I used to do when people would complain about their various results - I would say, "have you considered" - it isn't worth my time now, because they won't even consider it. They can live in their masturbatory world of self-aggrandizement.
Especially when they have very little skin in the game.
Many went to blurt :D
Interesting perspective from someone who has been around Hive for a while, although this certainly pertains to other aspects of life (and social media of course). I'm glad I'm still motivated to write just for the record-keeping immutability of the blockchain, and not too wrapped up in the upvotes and what sounds like a lot of behind-the-scenes politicking. Hopefully, I can keep up that spirit as I effort to deliver more captivating content. I promise not to yell!
Yep - this is the way to do it. I used to get more involved in some of the arguments, but I stay away from those who are wasting time of others. I value my time and I could be writing instead ;)
I sometimes have the fear it is the opposite with me. That I am not intelligent enough for others. That my knuckle dragging background will always show itself and turn people off. Oh well, if my English is too simple or not good enough, then so be it. I would prefer to engage with two people that are real, that ten that are not. Hopefully others feel the same about me and will deal with my imperfections.
I don't think that comes across at all with you. But, even if it did, authenticity goes a very long way. I'd rather have a conversation with someone who is themselves, than someone trying to be someone else.
This is a great call out and reminder that formats like this reward those who bring value. In a web3 context, that includes financial incentive so there is even more of a reason to think about the type of content you create and the community you are sharing it with.
And, because of the financial incentive, there are also plenty looking to cheat the system the best they can too.
There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom, the latter comes with age (for most people)
It good to hit on these subjects some times.
Age and experience. You'd think that when people are not getting the results they are after endlessly, they would be wise enough eventually to change their approach. Some never do.
In my brief experience here, I have seen some bloggers self-destruct. Rather than just stop to stay afloat, they thrash about and sink further.
Personally, I mainly write for myself. It is through curation that I am able to earn consistently. That's me being part of the solution for others.
People implode quite easily these days, partly because their expectations are larger than what is possible to achieve.
Curation is about as "stable" as it gets on Hive. Price of the token goes up and down, but the curation returns are paid in HIVE :)
I see some people too who use difficult vocabulary in their word's and they think they're so intelligent but that's not make them intelligent but it shows they're just show of their knowledge. i think intelligence is when you can understand many people what's you're talking about!!!!
There is a barrier of entry into all content, for example, I can't understand French or Spanish. Similarly, it is for English but if I as a native speaker have no idea what a person is talking about, they likely don't have much of an idea themselves.
Blimey, who is this time? (don't say here!).
Some general musings based on some recent observations. :)
it's common among people to think of themself as they are above others and feel about themself as imaginative or with high IQ it not wrong but they imprison themselves in this thought
If we are never getting what we are after, how smart are we?
Our Biggest enemy is ourselves !
And we keep losing :D
I also agree. Some of the peoples just want to get attention of others and select the wrong way. But its all about how we promote the material. We should promote goodness rather than promoting things that are disgrace to our society.
People think that attention equals value - it doesn't.
Is hive a perfect place for everyone? Are hive blockchain Curation or rewards system is perfect don't need any improvement, I mean why we think all the problems and issues are related to users only, how many new successful writers you know on hive blockchain? I think sometimes problem is on users side but not all the time
The blockchain is just a ledger - the community is made of users. It is always a user problem.
You are right dear one should always understand the level of audience one is interacted. One should make things easy and comprehend for the audience and don't blame.
If you are using tough and uncomprehend language and words you are only gonna hurt your audience.
Just focus being comprehend and smooth to others.
Every human being need communication or information and the idea generator itself needs a listening hear so in this case most times they both need each other to survive
This is a great call out and reminder that formats like this reward those who bring value. In a web3 context, that includes financial incentive so there is even more of a reason to think about the type of content you create and the community you are sharing it with.
Helping those who won't let themselves be helped is certainly a waste of time. In my experience as an educator, children and young people are malleable, but an adult with his or her own criteria, when you want to reach out to them, they become stubborn, stubborn and it is only their knowledge that is worth it.
I don't judge them, each of us has our own views and at certain times we behave in the same way; we feel that our experience is above the other. And yes, many of us will say that we don't live on that "island", and we each build our own walls and to survive in the middle we tend to be hypocrites.
A couple of days ago, I wrote this poetic exercise, I bring you the first stanzas, which fit very well with the theme:
The problem is, that not helping is isolating in itself and more people will disconnect, including those who might be open to and need help, because they no longer get support, from those who are tired of helping and it being a waste of time. It is a cycle of isolation.