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RE: On the portal of the 50

in Reflections2 years ago

Wouldn't it be great that from a young age, we were taught and supported to take care of ourselves? To learn how our mind works, to understand and control emotions and of course, treat our bodies with respect. I wonder what would change in a generation or two.


I've always asked myself similar questions, Mr. Taraz. I think that the circles would be virtuous and the wounds that come from generation to generation through our female, and male lineages (clans) to embrace our wounds would allow us to reconcile with our past, consciously choose what and how we want to take from it to enrich our present lives.

Healing our wounds truly gives us the free will to be born, to be, and to cultivate the human being we wish to be in this now. ..anything is possible...the time is now to cut, uncreate and heal.