People will eventually pay to be told what they want to hear.
I think this has been happening for a while already. The algorithms of streaming platforms do this, where they generate lists of content that is easy to accept, but doesn't challenge in any way.
That's true. It's blatantly obvious when you check out something like the independent news scene anywhere online really. Doesn't matter which team they're playing for either, it's all the same. Thousands of comments and nobody opposing it. If someone does, several come and shout them out of the room. Fans of information. I wrote about that on a couple of occasions.
The context of that quote above, I didn't word properly. What I meant was in the future people will be selecting which AI source is for them, pay for it, because it's trained to cater to their needs. There will be several options. Say there's only two teams, the basic left and right for example. Some of these corporations will sell both options. Then the people sit there and feed it and train it to be just like them. They've done such a good job of sorting people into piles like laundry as it is, so I expect that to be even more streamlined in the future with AI. And of course, nobody questions it.
That section of society. It boils down to money. It's a large group;a gold mine. Regardless of which side their on. But you can't make money telling people what they don't want to hear. It really is that simple of a business model.