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RE: Last first time

in Reflections3 months ago

Wellllll I don't know if that counts but my last first was a hectic one... a bad experience but not as bad as I thought!

Not exactly something to my choosing but the value I gained from it was immense.

Me and the Betty went down to the seaside for a vacation and halfway there the car broke down, hectic stuff... it was a panicky thing at first and then it was a chilled experience... one that I never thought O'd experience becauze I try and keep the vehicles in tip top shape... but life has too throw you a curve ball and you have to experience that ball punching your teeth out!

Laughs! Now I can be stranded, wont mind it... wont like it but at the end of the day I'll be fine...


It can be confronting when stuff like that happens for the first time and even more when one is in a remote or potentially unsafe location. A good learning experience though.