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RE: Trying to see more clearly...

in Reflections24 days ago

Age catches us all on the glasses front. I had surgery to correct my vision while I was in the military, but right around 45 your arms cease to be long enough anymore and reading glasses become a must. You will see better with the glasses for sure!

I hope you get to take advantage of the changes in Travala, some very inexpensive travel? You have a nice stack of Holozing, I'm hoping the game does really well. Hive needs a big winner right now.

Splinterlands I'm doing the same, just the brawls now. I'm hoping they recover too, but SPS is slipping down again. Now that the HBD coming in daily is gone we'll see if they can survive on their own. I do hope so because I still have a lot of cards. Brawls are an easy way to get some extra SPS and Gladius cards. I finally managed to get my Quora to level three, that was a great feeling!


I don't think I even own a Quora, so you are doing much better than me. That reminds me, I need to pick up some Gladius packs. I hope Holozing does well too. It sound complex so far, but I think it will be fun to learn a new game. I've been using cheaters at night while I am on my phone for a bit now. It's just recently I got the official prescription! I'm hoping Travala continues to excel. Their token is still down from where I bought most of my stack, but we aren't in the heart of the bull yet, so we will see. I think Travala could be a good way to get some real world use out of my gains this cycle.

It's amazing what a difference glasses can make isn't it? Gladius packs are great, I've been trying to level them up for more than a year now and they are in many ways extremely useful in brawls. The one thing that worries me about Holozing is the talk about putting the healer cards on ETH like Runi. Having to buy an essential card on ETH would be a pain and expensive. We'll see!

This past week I had the best Gladius pack I've ever had, it was like Christmas came late! lol

Wow, that is a sweet pack. Now that the price of gas has gone down a bit on ETH, I don't really have a problem with that. I think being cross chain could bring new eyes to the project. My biggest issue with the RUNI cards is how expensive they were. After dropping tons of money on the packs, I had nothing left to even consider picking up a RUNI. They were clearly geared towards the whales for the specific intent of making the team more money.

I didn't get one either, they were just too expensive. As long as the card isn't too expensive it shouldn't be too bad gas price wise. I remember when it was over $50 to do anything, I pretty much stopped using it at that point. I started using Polygon and BNB after that!

Yeah, I am with you. I remember I moved a token to a stable one time. It was something like $100 but I paid $75 in gas to move it!