Everyone plays the blame game and it's really a shame. As I've gotten older I find that I play it much less and find it to be really a waste of precious time.
Our courts are filled with lawsuits because of the same. Someone has a bad surgical result and see it as a lottery ticket to sue the doctor. The bar served to someone underaged, yes a big deal, but I don't think lawsuits will make anyone happier or bring her back like you said...
Maybe I'm getting wiser as I get older or just sick of all the crap that goes on in the world. The world has never been a perfect place, and from what I see it's never really going to change. The best you can do is find moments like yours and find peace!
Yeah, I am trying to find more and more moments like that the older I get. It's just beyond me how whinny people have gotten. Even the small things I just want to say "get over it and move on". It's so not worth it.