Somewhere they belong.....


I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I could not sleep. I had caged budgies in my mind and then I held a conversation in my mind. It went like this:

TLDR; budgies cannot survive in my country. They are too brightly coloured and the moment they fly in the sky, crows catch them.

Do you think the budgies should be caged the way they are? Dont you think its cruel to keep them imprisoned like that? Shouldn't they be let open so they can fly away and be free?

But budgies cannot survive in the wild. They have too many predators.source:

But do you think they are okay with living in cages?

No...but they dont know any better. They dont know that the moment they fly, they will be caught and killed.

So that means you know better? How so? Are you a budgie?

No I am not but I have seen crows catch them and kill them easily.

But what if you let them free and they find out on their own? They wont know until they face the danger themselves right?

They wont live to find out..whats the use?

So you think they can live fulfilled and happy lives in cages?

I dont know. I am not a budgie.

So you really dont know any better right?

Well the predators will catch them and that is a fact which I know.

Yes..but some of them will live, and hide, and adopt. And one day they will have their chicks and will show them how to survive. 10 years, 30 years, whatever the timeline, one day budgies may learn to live with the crows and outsmart them.

But some will die.

So all the generations should just live in cages? Or be given a chance to evolve and be free?

I dont know I am not a budgie.

Then you dont know any better.

Well I wish I could ask a budgie if it was happy living in a cage or it wanted to go fly free and die.

I think they would like to fly free. Die possibly....but feel the wind around their wings, and dive into the deep green cloud of leaves (trees) beneath. Do you think they like dying in cages? Sitting on a perch and falling on the cold floor? Or dying somewhere in the trees and grass with other birds chirping around them?


Somewhere where they belong....