Yes, of old age then you kind of see it coming and naturally even better than losing someone in a horrible way.. We've been from our home country since 2016 and that also leaves a gap of relationships with family members that will not make such an impact anymore when they die compared to a pet you have been caring for for years...
It's hard to make that decision for sure, but she needed you to do it for her, as she could not do it herself. She'd have kept going as all dogs are so loyal to their owners..
It's an act of love, I wish you strength and much love to get through this...
Thanks, that last part is very true and it's probably one of the most helpful things I have seen in the past three days. She definitely would have kept going whether she should have or not.
Yeah, that must give some comfort. I told Hetty as well, it's easy to blame yourself and feel guilty but it's truly a decision that you guys had to make for her. The love for her is clear, I hope the good memories will be putting a smile on your face soon. As I bet there are TONS of great memories to think about and relive to honour her..