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RE: Free To Graze

in Reflections4 months ago

That's a memorable moment of meeting some stranger with an interesting story to tell.. Especially when reading about @splatts doing something similar for his son. Maybe this was meant to be and this will be helpful for them in a way..

To be fair, I'm not the most patient person myself but when I worked with the elderly, I really had no issues listening to them, as they usually have a story to tell and are so happy when someone finally sits down and listens to them.

When an older person needs help in the supermarket, I'm definitely not one to be impatient but helpful, this is how it should be as well imo. We will all be old one day and we should treat them the way we want to be treated, right?

Anyway, this was an interesting read. The fact that this guy scanned the products reminds me of the app I downloaded last week, I believe it's called Think Dirty.. I downloaded it after my boyfriend saw a video to check on the ingredients of shampoo and such. Turns out, most things I have are freaking poisonous, I know that from a few but not all.

Now I'm in a hurry to replace all that crap by better stuff but turns out, most things in the stores is just crap anyway, as it is with food lol. Surprise surprise..

Anyway, thanks for the reminder to dive into that rabbit hole further.. AND apologies for any spelling errors that cause you to have errors :)



AND apologies for any spelling errors that cause you to have errors :)

I think I do plenty on my own to be judged negatively, here. Don't need additional help, jeez.

Hello. Splatts put together a machine similar to the one Larry patented. Been awhile. I sent this to his WhatsApp, he must be busy.

I wish I was always that patient. Comes naturally when I see someone struggling. It's when things are running smooth I get confused, throws me for a loop, I guess, and I pretend I have somewhere to be and not enough time to get there.

Pura has an app like that. I don't know what it's called but she's always scanning things (funny! Autocorrect had always scanning 'thugs'), "good!" "Bad!" "Ok.." "Real bad."