Reflections: Letting go of fear

in Reflections11 months ago

Image: Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany via Pixabay

The best part of embodying is, the process of letting go of fear and step into your power. "Own Your Shit and integrate"

Yesterday afternoon I came home. I was present and embodied a few pieces. The next part is taking action. I changed my website, even woke up in the middle of the night to adjust a few things. An then there's this process of finishing the lesson. Letting go of fear and other destructive believes. Financially it was a pricey lesson to have. 2000 euros of rent and probably and equal number of incoming. And the best part of it, I had it planned that this would happen...

The practice space I am renting, is perfect. The energy is very neutral and I believe a bit later it would have been a perfect addition for a second space.

My timing wasn't in alignment for my highest purpose. Although you can also think, if this was the lesson you had to take. It sure was perfect right?

That's right. Won´t it be that my first instinct was a different city with a warm network. That was the easier choice. And I would probably flow better.

This was just the hard lesson. A lesson to trust my intuition, my instinct. And most of all feeling what my heart tells me and not what my ego projects into my heart.

It sure is a huge process. With a lot of grief and understanding. I can blame my parents for being emotionally unavailable. This is a big part of my journey into feeling myself again. But I can´t be the victim because of that. I have my own responsibility to deal with it and it's up to me to remember what is is like to feel my own emotions.

No outside source can embody me. It all has to come from within.

That I cried the other night and even wondered who's tears they were. That's actually really sad and it took me a while to figure it out, that it was my inner child.

My inner child who grieved for a long time, who finally felt a connection with in myself. I can only nurture myself and my inner child, giving comfort and acknowledging his grief. But also saying that it's time to let go, that it's time for an adventure and explore all the things we have missed out on.


According to the Chinese Medicine (TCM), lungs resonates with grief.

With our lung we breath, taking in Qi/Prana/lifeforce energy. And there for we breath in and our very existence. With letting go of grief on this layer, probably there are a few more layers filled with grief.

My energy or Qi/Prana would flow better into my lungs and I am developing a stronger energy field to tolerate the outside world. Like being able to cope better with pollen and other allergies/frequencies.

For a complete support I am having a few acupuncture sessions scheduled for this process.


Well I am going to close of for now and do what I have to do. Letting go of the past and receive what the "here and now" gives me.

