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RE: 1902 and beyond

in Reflections8 months ago (edited)

I think we carry a lot of our ancestors with us, their pain and their wins, it's like it is embedded in us, helping to shape who we are. It's our decision what we do with those things we carry, whether we learn from them, heal them, let them go. But why certainly do lay the foundations of who we are.
I've never had any good male role models growing up, both my grandfathers died when I was very young and my father, went from being a violent angry man, to a silent man, so I never even felt like I knew him.
But in my life now, I have some wonderful male friends.
It's such an interesting topic, what makes us who we are. What influences us, what baggage we are indeed born with.
I love both photos you have provided.
Hope all is good with you xx


I think it's interesting also and as I get older I see in myself things I recall seeing in my grandfather or my dad; things that didn't at the time mean much but hold significance now. It's interesting to see how history repeats and people develop in similar ways but differently to parents and grandparents.