Imagining what could be. At times, its hard not to. To let your mind, run away with itself. Especially when you get the taste of something, that you enjoy. Feeling like you have to grab it, with both hands or otherwise you may never get to enjoy it again. But we all know what happens, if we hold onto things too tightly.
I just have to trust. To surrender to this beautiful wave that has entered my life. The very two things that I was talking to a wonderful person about, just yesterday. How, to really experience life, you have to surrender to it and you have to trust. Trust that all will be, as it should be.
We live in a world that is very controlling, so it makes sense that we, as a product of that world, would also want to control, the parts of our selves that are still our own. But in doing so, we cut ourselves off, from really being able to feel. To feel life fully.
When you control something, you begin to shut it down.
So I sit with this feeling of wanting to be more in control, because it's something I really want. Yet knowing, that I need to just trust. To allow myself, to just
be present with everything that I am feeling.
It's such a strong urge though. To just grab it. But that's also the beauty of it. The fact that I have these strong feelings. This excitement that is growing inside of me.
So I breathe.
I breathe and I write.
I listen to music and I dance.
Those other things that I also really enjoy. And I feel myself finally begin to surrender.
To not doubt myself. To not undervalue myself. To pour myself into this new dance, in my life. One that is helping to awaken an important part of myself.
all the photos were taken by me.
Don't control. You can't, anyway :) not nearly as much as we like to think.
Yeah I know, but it's oh so tempting to try when you really want something. Felt good to get all these words out. Hope you are well beautiful xxxx
Just let it go and let God then everything follows. God bless
Thank you @amoreyl xx
You're welcome. God bless
Although it is true that the world is controlling, you have to analyze if the world is controlling you, then is when you realize that we could become automatons losing our essence, so when you have control of yourself or your actions, that reflects confidence and in turn you are unique and special, so surrender to the desires or expectations is not at all unacceptable, the wrong thing would be to stop living for fear of being wrong and being judged, as long as you are true to your values and principles you will have control and courage to face whatever.
Very true words, thank you @nathy33 xxx
:) Hello lovely.
Nice to see you "in motion".
And hah! I've been busy trying to write a post on "letting go" for about a week now but am madly procrastinating because I'm afraid to let go right now. Um... baby steps right now then.
*heads off to write another paragraph
... but in all truth I've been wanting to make something very special for Hive so have been taking my time...
and a bit of a curve ball...
and some procrastination...
and more working out how I'm gonna do it...
and so it goes.
Sending hugs and wonder! <3
Hello lovely, great to hear from you. I see. To have less time to be online these days, my life is even fuller now.
Going to check out your blog now. Much love xxxxx
Oh I think life goes like that. Ebbs and flows and things.
I'm happy to hear you're flowing and moving with the tides :)
Newcomer who found your post by the way.
And I think you guys will get on great! Met him on my walks and we connected immediately.
He's living with an interesting person that I'd like to meet as well. I bet you'd be interested too.
Meet @tennt
He's come in full of fire. Love it! 😀💥
Im back on my phone as charging port on laptop has blown. And have had my annual does of a cold or whatever. So also moving slowly. You never need to mission for me, btw. I totally get where you are. And who you are a bit.
Always sending peace and strength, mama bear! ❤️