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RE: Sub-optimal remembrance

in Reflectionslast year (edited)

Sometimes I see my dead grandparents in my quite lucid dreams, and while everything seems almost normal, I suddenly remember that they are actually dead. This realization creates a unique, surreal feeling inside the dream where I still see and treat them like living beings BUT know internally that they are long gone. These types of dreams aren’t very pleasant and leave a lingering sensation of something out of place once I wake up.

There is an esoteric belief (knowledge?) out there according to which some part of dead (one of their 7 bodies or something like that) remain on earth among the living as long as at least one living person actively remembers them. However, it is never EXACTLY them as they were in real life. It’s just a lingering presence of some energy part of them, and as the time goes by it can become influenced by many things and grow into something quite different. It’s pretty much fed by the memories of the living, like an entity, plus other energies out there can add to it something that was never a part of the actual person who is long gone. Anyways, it’s just a theory, but worth pondering about for those who do believe in such things


This is interesting and I have heard similar things now and then also. It's incredibly interesting and I wonder if there's any way to prove such things, are any studies being done? Dreams can seem so real at times and have always held mystery and intrigue for some people...I just don't know how these things could be researched with any degree of effectiveness.

I do not know. I rely a lot on my own experiences, but I am also aware that they are too subjective to be a valid enough proof of anything on a larger scale. I think that many dreams are “just dreams” (our brain processing information), but not everything is that simple.