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RE: Aging Sucks

in Reflections3 months ago

Have you considered having some tests done? There are various tests you can do yourself with the right equipment, and you don't have to be a doctor to have tests done on your blood and stuff. IIRC you are in a jurisdiction I have no familiarity with but things can be done abroad if necessary. Some reading can get you up to speed on what are some reasonable baselines, reasons for departure from them, and what you might want to do about it.

Guessing about the soda was good, but guessing can be improved on.



I've considered of course, but I've got a high degree of confidence that it's all just a result of me treating my body like i'm still in my early 20's.

It wasn't really a guess about the sodas, it was the power of deduction, which tbh is what doctors tend to do anyway so I saved myself a trip. My bowels feel great now!

Basically: Improve posture, sleep better.

Generally the way I think about it is, if it's getting worse (or is actually painful), then see a doc. If not, you're just doing something wrong and should deal with it.

Then again, with plans to go back to UK, I really need to get everything sorted beforehand while I got good care available. I don't wanna have to wait for 2 years to be treated for a stroke or something lol

I have recently had some imaging done, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and lots of blood work. After 60 everything starts breaking, and this is what I'm finding. Some of the things I've discovered haven't been producing symptoms, but some symptoms I've been suffering for years have been assigned a cause, which has enabled me to resolve them. Hopefully I can get in front of some of the other things that are arising before they afflict me, but I await detailed discussions with my local pusher, er... doctor. There may be utility in prescription medications for some things, and some may require surgical intervention (although I am very resistant to that), but when the doc tells me what they recommend I'll have things to research and base decisions on. It's probably advisable for you to get any imaging and tests done before you're up against the NHS bureaucracy for prescriptions and care, so that you can access things in a timely way before that limitation is imposed on you.

I have recently had some imaging done, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and lots of blood work.

Damn that does sound pretty significant - definitely not looking forward to my 60's if I keep my current trajectory going!!

I had a health check for my job requirement some years back and became very aware of my heart being an issue, with heightened risk of future heart attacks. My estranged dad recently collapsed due to some hereditary valve issue, and my mum is battling erratic blood pressure and other heart issues. My left ventricle wall is thicker than it ought to be. So... yeah. Feeling very mortal lately!

It was marriage that really inspired me to fix my lifestyle. But I don't smoke, barely drink, no drugs and no other addictive habits so it should be a breeze...maybe

Here's to your good health far into the future.