I take Photography as seriously as life itself, So each day doesn’t go by without me capturing my moments 😎
Here are some paused time in Black and White ~~~~
Please Complete the heart by upvoting 😎 thanks ❤️
Whats Cuter than a Cute little girl in oversized shoes 🥹🥹
A smile shows you a glimpse of the heart. And two people smiling is just,.. priceless 😎
He said basketball gives him a reason to live. Thats cool cause its hard finding reasons to live these days 😎
Exausted, but the passion won’t just let you be
Remember what i said about smiles showing you a glimpse of the heart??, well don’t get me started on The eyes
… they’re Sure liable to d!e young. 😎 don’t forget that.
But i so much love this particular photo cause it was so impromptu 🥹 the dude probably don’t even know a photo of his hands is on Ecency right now 😂.
😩took me a lot to take this photo. Well thank God somehow the car was slow enough 😎. I needed it for the scenery
Zuby and Zara 🥹🥹. I have nothing to say… just stare at cuteness 🥹
Please tell me in the comments how possible this is, cause I’m as confused as y’all 👀😳😯
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