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RE: People not sheeple

in Reflections8 months ago

I am from 1981 and I did grow up, like you, back home in The Netherlands.
We only had cable TV with more than 3 channels, when I was 12.

Computer games appeared in the early to mid 90s but didn't take over my life. I spent most of the time in school or outdoors, 365 days per year.

I got a cell phone, in the year 2000, when I went to Uni ( not because I wanted one but because my parents wanted to stay in touch ). The smart phone in 2013 was the final straw. I still have one but am often considering an old fashioned dumb (smarter) phone, even if I only use that one a single day per week.

Yeah, I miss those days ( but I merely struggle to see all those people, especially kids, who will never experience them ) but I am also bringing them/ the play back into my life, as a creative, living in the Portuguese countryside.

I have similar chats like your friend and you, with people my age ( and - at times - with younger and older people.

Remember when we went on holidays and only shared about our experiences afterwards or, perhaps, in a postcard? ;<)


There are a few out there holding on to the right values, trying to pass them on, my brother's both do this with my niece and nephew, but generally society means the other way and that influence is very strong making it more difficult for parents who want to instill the right values. It must be difficult being a kid these days, and a parent too, but a better way is available, one just has to see it and do it.

Thanks for your comment.