Reality is a mirror that reflects your inner world

That's right.

Your reality is a mirror that reflects you your inner world.


When something goes wrong in our lives, we are often quick to point the fingers at others.

"It is because of what he did that I had to lose out."
"She did it deliberately to create problems for me" we say.

But is it really they who wants to create problems for us?

Most of the people are busy dealing with the problems in their ow lives.

Nobody has the time to think and plot plans to bring you down.

If you think they do, it only reflects what you hold in your inner reality.

What does it reflect?

That you are against yourself.

You are trying to create problems for you by seeing problems in your mind's eye.

When you think someone is your enemy, you naturally tend to change your behaviour around them.

You would behave in a hostile manner rather than a friendly one.

Your behaviour which comes from what you hold in your mind, which comes from what is present in your consciousness is what is signaling that person to create the problems for you in the first place.

Had you not behaved in a hostile manner, that person would've been more friendly towards you and might have even helped you reach your goals.

But since you held such an image in your mind, the reality reflected it right back at you.

Don't blame the mirror if it frowns at you with disapproval if you did the same towards it.

It is just reflecting what you projected on it.

The same way, life is like a mirror that just reflects what you put out.

Change the contents of your consciousness rather than changing things in your outer world.

It is as simple as that.

There's no point blaming anybody for your circumstances for it is you who is projecting it out and not they who is creating it for you.

That's it for today's post.

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This knowledge is powerful beyond measure to make you more stoic.

And create a stable mind that remains unshaken through all kinds of trials and tribulations.